How many miles per gallon does the 4bt get realistically on side roads, and does the 4bt prove good for towing.
How many miles per gallon does the 4bt get realistically on side roads, and does the 4bt prove good for towing.
The 4BT will pull like no tomorrow. Most diesels are good for that reason. That is why so many people who have big horse trailers or large campers get a diesel. As for fuel econemy I do not have a clue, but I would guess somewhere in the mid teens give or take.
Zone holster maker
A former zone member had a 4BT, NV4500 and 4:56 gears on top off 38's or 39's I think. He said he got in the low 20's MPG driving it.
That sounds pretty good!
There are many factors but with proper gearing aond OD (B-series engines like to cruise at 1600-1800 RPM´s) you could probably get mid 20´s on the highway at reasonable speeds. However, there are people who don´t get anywhere near that.
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