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Thread: Two Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Springdale, Arkansas

    Default Two Questions

    One: I recently acquired a pair of 24 volt boat wipers. Will they run on 12 volt?

    Two: I have two options for the speedo cable to hook to, one is the transmission the other is the transfer case, which one should I use?

  2. #2


    I'm not sure about the second question so I'll leave it to someone with more knowladge.

    But for the firs question I would think that if you have 24V wiper motors and want to run them on 12V you will either have wipers that will be very slow or wont wipe at all. If the wiper was designed to run on 24V you will be running it on half the voltage. So either the wiper will go half as fast as its suppose to go, or that one be enough volts to make it go at all. It may just kinda of buzz and do nothing else. They only thing you can do it hook them up to a 12V source and see what happens.
    Zone holster maker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    northern Arizona


    transfer case for the speedo - unless you don't care how fast you're going in low range.
    67 M725 67 M715 68 M715

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Springdale, Arkansas


    okay, that makes sense...thanks

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