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Thread: New to the site

  1. #1

    Default New to the site

    Hello all. Just joined this site and just got my Kaiser. Well, don?t actually have it yet, have to go pick it up still. It?s 68 in I?ll say stock form. Belonged to fire department I was part of for 25 years in upstate NY. They have decided to retire it after being in service for over 48 years give or take and I have wanted this truck since I was a child going to the firehouse with my dad. So when it came up for auction I was so sad as I didn?t have the funds to bid on it, but my dad put in a bid and he got it. He didn?t tell me he had bid on it but last Thursday he called and asked if I still had a car trailer as I was going to need one.. I asked why? And then he told me I was now the owner of the truck I?ve always wanted? I was completely dumbfounded.. no words can express the happiness and gratitude.. so, now I?ve been scrolling through the internet for hours at a time learning and researching. As far as I know it will need some brake work but it was in service up until last month. I never thought I?d own it so I built an RC version of it and figured that was as close as I?d ever get but now? I?ll have the real one and a mini one.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Greenwood, Indiana


    Welcome! That?s a pretty cool story and Dad!
    Thanks, George
    Joshua 24:15

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Congratulations and hats off to your Dad!!
    THAT is a great gift, you are very fortunate!

    Planning to keep it as is? Go back to stock? Modify? Looks like a great platform to start with to go anywhere...
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  4. #4


    Thanks! And yeah both my parents are great. They’ve always done their best and now that I’m not a know it all teenager and an “adult” 46, lol… I know how hard they worked for everything. Makes me appreciate them even more. As far as the truck goes I think I want to keep it as it is for as long as possible. Just maintain it until such time comes that I need to do something major. Then who knows.. I appreciate all the knowledge that’s on here for sure. Will be a great help!

  5. #5


    The biggest difficulty is going to be getting it registered. As it belong to the Military and then to the fire department and it’s never been registered anywhere. The fire department never received any paperwork with it so the only thing I will have is a bill of sale from the fire department and according to Massachusetts law I need bill of sale and last registration that my problem. I have a friend in Vermont and looked into their laws and possibly I could have him register it there, but that’s still Questionable. New York is the same way bill of sale and Lasser registration so I’m not sure how this is going to work yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Giddings, Texas


    If you trust the friend in Vermont that might be the cheapest way to do things. The title will be in his name before he sells it to you.
    Remember if you didn't build it you can't call it yours.

    6.2 powered M715, 5 M1009's, M416, 2 M101's, 2 M105's, 3 M35's, M1007 6.5 turbo Suburban project called Cowdog.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The cesspool of WA state


    What a neat story. So it is more special than normal. You will have some work to do on getting it legal but stick with it. It will be worth it. Parts have become a little hard to find now verses 15-20 years ago. But it can be done if you want a stock truck. Modifying them can be fun also. I have gone down both those roads and now have a cool restomod I am hoping to get wired soon. Be sure and stick with this site. It will have the most information and while the site has slowed down a bit with Facebook coming on the scene, this is where you will find the experience and know how without the rudeness so typical of the social media sites now. We are excited to have you aboard and look forward to postings and your progress. What a great story and what great parents also. How very cool.
    Cheers! .... Al
    Liz, covid, murdered 10/19/21

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Welcome to the Zone. There is so much great information stored with in this website. Take your time and do some searching as I'm sure you can find the answer to most anything here. It will be nice to see another truck brought back to stock. Yours looks like a solid truck to start from. Good luck and post lots of pics along the way as we all love to see the progress.
    Delta Team Decals:

  9. #9


    After much anticipation, it’s home! Drove to NY this weekend and picked up my truck. It was a bit a of load for my Nissan Frontier but it did it. �� IMG_4548.jpg

  10. #10

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