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Thread: New members not being able to join

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI

    Default New members not being able to join

    I've been sending several new M715/M725 owners over here to join and I have heard back from quite a few that there is a problem with the join function and a lot of them are not able to join. If one of the admins could look into to this I would appreciate it. In the mean time I've been telling them to try and email Brute to see if he can help get them in the club.
    Delta Team Decals:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    We have to have to registration off until all the updates are in...we went from version 3.xx to 4.xx and that was big but now we are going to 5.xx and that is way bigger...imagine the first is like walking then riding a horse.....and this one is like riding a horse to interstellar travel...not exactly accurate but you see where Im going. If we open it, the board will be spammed in minutes by idiots all over the world...bots posting everything, including porn, and we cannot go there.

    There is a way to do it me for details...Beast, I am sending you a pm with the info...
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Delta Team Decals:

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