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Thread: The longest build thread ever, at least it seems like it!

  1. #31


    I wish I wasn't 17 hours away. I'm curious- what size tire are on the rims right now?
    Come and take it
    Go work at joann fabrics if you can't shoot a gun

  2. #32


    I'll take any parts you're getting rid of. I might be able to get those rims and tires down to you Gonz if you want them. I have a trip to take heading east. Where in CO are you?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The cesspool of WA state


    Quote Originally Posted by gonz View Post
    I wish I wasn't 17 hours away. I'm curious- what size tire are on the rims right now?
    They are 44 gumbo monster mudders. Actually about 40 tall and so many weather check cracks, I would not run them if they were all I had. I will try to wrestle one off the rim for you Gonz. Take a measurement and see if we can get them to you somehow. Sounds good Glenn!!

  4. #34


    I have a duckbill and tire irons, I just busted 14 old ones down last week. I'm still feeling it too as it's been 20+ years since I've done that.

  5. #35


    I'm in Greeley, one hour south of Cheyenne. Super generous offer from both of you gents!
    Come and take it
    Go work at joann fabrics if you can't shoot a gun

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by gonz View Post
    I'm in Greeley, one hour south of Cheyenne. Super generous offer from both of you gents!
    I can make that work if you're patient. It probably won't be until middle or end of summer that I make it out.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The cesspool of WA state


    Well it will probably take that long to separate them. So I still have my duck bill sledge from my first truck. And I bought a bead breaker years ago. The screw jack thing that you pound under the bead and a center foot pushes down the break the tire away from the rim. So I am sure we can make this happen. Glenn, I have axles here. We definitely need to meet up either here or at your place. Should be fun.

    My Ruff Stuff box is due today. Steering stuff and all spring hangers!! A very expensive box there.

  8. #38


    I am on a zero forward process timeline right now, so no hurry at all, lol! Let me know what I can do to return the help/favors!
    Come and take it
    Go work at joann fabrics if you can't shoot a gun

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The cesspool of WA state


    Quote Originally Posted by glenn View Post
    I have a duckbill and tire irons, I just busted 14 old ones down last week. I'm still feeling it too as it's been 20+ years since I've done that.
    Well that will wear a guy out. I remember doing all my old duece tires on a 100 degree day years ago. I think I lost 5 pounds that day.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The cesspool of WA state


    I just love UPS. Got both boxes. One torn open and half arse taped. No less than 10 individual items missing. This has happened a dozen times in the last year or so. They just don't care. Hours and hours spent dealing with them and their mess UPS. <----- BAD PUN?

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