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Thread: Looking for known registration numbers

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Beast View Post
    Seeing as we know "14711 Aug-67 3F 7198" then there is a good chance that yours' being the next one down in vin would likely be 3F 7197. This is the whole purpose of me trying to find known registration numbers so that I can help those members who can't find one left on their truck.
    Wow, next vin number down from a known number. What are the chances of that. You just hit the lottery txleadfoot, with Dave's help.

    This project well benefit many members here.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Beast View Post
    Seeing as we know "14711 Aug-67 3F 7198" then there is a good chance that yours' being the next one down in vin would likely be 3F 7197. This is the whole purpose of me trying to find known registration numbers so that I can help those members who can't find one left on their truck.
    Dave, this is awesome! I was not expecting this at all! Thank you so much!

    Sent from my SM-T387T using Tapatalk

  3. #13

    Default Registration number locations

    Where else should I look if my hood has no numbers (painted as a brush truck)?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoSpringsRob View Post
    Where else should I look if my hood has no numbers (painted as a brush truck)?
    The hood and the tailgate are the two most common places that the registration numbers where placed. If your truck survived in the Army long enough that it made it to the subdued and camo era's then sometimes people will find it painted on inside door panels or under the hood and I know one guy who found it on the inside of the glovebox door.
    Delta Team Decals:

  5. #15


    Ok, so I am looking for a painted on number, not something stamped, correct?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fernandina Beach, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoSpringsRob View Post
    Ok, so I am looking for a painted on number, not something stamped, correct?
    Not stamped. It would have been on the hood, each side and on the lower portion of the tailgate. Curiously, in the photos of my truck in 1970, Neu Ulm Germany, the unit markings were in white whilst the truck markings are in satin black in keeping with the "new" European subdued markings. These are actual vintage photographs.
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoSpringsRob View Post
    Ok, so I am looking for a painted on number, not something stamped, correct?
    Yes the registration numbers are either painted or decaled onto the vehicles. This number was assigned to the vehicle at the time of acceptance into the military and served as the military's "serial number" for the vehicle. The military did not go by the VIN number when it was in service, they used the registration number to keep track of it.
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  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Morgantown, West Virginia

    Default registration numbers

    Here is my 68 M725- 3F 1635 : 10837: delivery date- 01-68

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by WVcharlie View Post
    Here is my 68 M725- 3F 1635 : 10837: delivery date- 01-68
    Wow, that's a unique one! That is an earlier vin# and lower hood registration number but delivered in early 68' I wonder if it had some problems on the assembly line and had to be re-sent through after it had a vin and registration number assigned to it. That vin should have came out in the batch around 9/67' which would have been a little ahead of my 10/67' M725 which is vin 11515 and registration number of 3F 2473.
    Delta Team Decals:

  10. #20


    Here's mine:
    03N 57968
    Delivery: 10-68

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