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Thread: Looking for known registration numbers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI

    Default Looking for known registration numbers

    Ok this is something that has come up recently and is a data base I would like to work on. I'm looking to reference known original hood registration numbers with their VIN number and date of delivery and model of truck. I'm doing this to see if we can understand better the correlation of them all. And over the years I have collected a few and if I had a larger sample to work from it would help others trying to find their lost numbers. If you are reluctant to post your VIN # you can always PM it to me so that I can work on it and compare to the list here on the M715zone.

    I'll start with my 67' M715 #14420 8-67 3F 5836
    and my 67' M725 #11515 10-67 3F 2473
    Delta Team Decals:

  2. #2


    Here are mine: registration# 3F 3558-- vin#11326
    Authenticated May 3 1967 by Kaiser Jeep Corp

  3. #3


    Would it be safe to assume if I found serial #'s that were below and above me and then also had their registration numbers below and above me I could work backwards and find some history then on my vehicle? (registration numbers were sanded off by DNR/fire dept repaint )
    67' M715/5.9 Cummins/ZF5/NP205

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by venominjected View Post
    Would it be safe to assume if I found serial #'s that were below and above me and then also had their registration numbers below and above me I could work backwards and find some history then on my vehicle? (registration numbers were sanded off by DNR/fire dept repaint )
    That is the hope, that if we can determine the pattern then we would be able to help figure the registration numbers for those who have lost them.
    Delta Team Decals:

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Beast View Post
    That is the hope, that if we can determine the pattern then we would be able to help figure the registration numbers for those who have lost them.
    Great project!
    The Vin Registry (above) would be a great place to include known Registration Numbers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Here are the few that people have given me so far.

    14420 Aug-67 3F 5836
    15238 Sep-67 3F 7779
    11326 May-67 3F 3558
    34856 Feb-69 03W14968
    17027 Oct-67 3F 9634
    31180 Oct-68 03M75268
    14711 Aug-67 3F 7198
    13846 Jul-67 3F 6495
    30826 Oct-69 03N24669
    Delta Team Decals:

  7. #7


    keep at it.... your narrowing down were I would be... (14742)
    67' M715/5.9 Cummins/ZF5/NP205

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by venominjected View Post
    keep at it.... your narrowing down were I would be... (14742)
    I hope I can get some more members to post up their info so I get a bigger sample and make it easier to try and figure out what they are for you.
    Delta Team Decals:

  9. #9


    I wish I could find some markings on mine No trace of any on the hood, bumper or bumperettes.

    VIN: 14710

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by txleadfoot View Post
    I wish I could find some markings on mine No trace of any on the hood, bumper or bumperettes.

    VIN: 14710
    Seeing as we know "14711 Aug-67 3F 7198" then there is a good chance that yours' being the next one down in vin would likely be 3F 7197. This is the whole purpose of me trying to find known registration numbers so that I can help those members who can't find one left on their truck.
    Delta Team Decals:

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