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Thread: The Ultimate in pic-posting help

  1. #11

    Default boonie"s Photo bucket Cheat sheet

    I am posting this cheat sheet to help.

    Open photo bucket sign in { have 715zone open also in the tab bar}
    View library
    Click on a picture
    On links to share box, click on second one (direct) it showed copied for a brief moment
    Go to tab for M715 zone
    Go to the spot you would post a new add reply
    Quick reply will not work!!
    Left click mountains & sun icon
    A box comes up it says "please enter URL of your image" & has a small box in it that says "http://"
    You must now hit backspace
    The letters http:// will disappear - right click in this box
    Another little box comes up - left click paste
    Your image numbers show up - left click OK
    Photo bucket album numbers appear
    Left click at end of this picture number so next picture will line up below your last picture, stacking pictures
    Next click enter button
    First picture is done
    Reopen photo bucket and hit back button in left top to go to library
    Select next picture & start over

  2. #12


    hey m715chef sorry about the size of these pictures ,haven't learned how to control this yet hope this helps you should print this cheat sheet & try it

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    I don't think the "Insert Image" icon ("mountains and sun" above, or what is supposed to look like a postcard) was an option on the earlier version of this forum software. That is another option for posting pics.

    Usually Photobucket will resize the images to postable sizes when you upload them. Could be a setting there you can change.

    But if you click on the IMG link to your picture on Photobucket (where it briefly flashes "Copied"), you don't need to use the postcard icon at all. You may then paste (position cursor where you want the picture to appear, then hold "Ctrl" key and press "V" key) that image anywhere in your reply box, using Quick Reply or not.

    Remember to add a space (hit "Enter" key) between the links to the pictures or they will appear butted up against one another, which can be confusing to see where one picture ends and the next begins. By add a space, I mean like this:

    Here is one picture link code
    Here is the next picture link code without a space.

    Here is another picture link code

    Here is the next picture link code with the space.

    So there will be a gap between the two in the latter posting.

    Photobucket keeps changing the layout of their web page. I have updated this sticky about 4 times over the past years, but I have given up on doing that. For one thing, there is now the postcard icon one can use to post pictures (though I really don't think that's any easier) and for another, the key principles in this sticky remain the same even though the appearance of the Photobucket (or ImageShack or whatever) may have changed.

    As always, post for help if you need it!
    Last edited by Binford; December 3rd, 2013 at 11:38 AM.
    -- Tim Taylor

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