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Thread: Pioneer Tool Strap Method

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Middleville, mi.


    Ironic timing that this thread comes back to the top.

    I just received my straps from Surplus City Jeep parts today.

    I went out to put them on and ended up back in the house to look for this thread to see how it is supposed to be done.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    Nothing beats good photos when it comes to explaining how something should be done. Just my opinion, but I like the look of the O.D. canvas covers for the tailgate chains. The rubber ones are probably more durable, but my truck is not a daily driver so the cavas should last awhile. I don't recall seeing rubber covers from my time in the Army.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fernandina Beach, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by militarypotts View Post
    Nothing beats good photos when it comes to explaining how something should be done. ...

    ... I don't recall seeing rubber covers from my time in the Army.

    I do agree, pictures are the best. If you look at the closeup scan that I posted above, I think you can see that my truck, in 1970 had the rubber chain covers. I do agree that the canvas ones look great though...

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Stevens Pointski, Wisconsin


    My truck has the original chain covers on them and they are rubber. They have a hole in them at the bottom. They are thinner than the ones that the seller on ebay was selling. I would say that they are more like the shrink tubing you can get for electrical work.

    As for the straps for the tools, this is what I came up with when I got them. Compares to what Don Cavey had in his pics from Germany in '70.

    '67 M715 '67 M725 '69 M726 (x2)

    "it's cheap and you get all you can shove in your pie-hole" --Kozmo 12-10-13

  5. #25

    Default Pioneer Tool Strap Method

    Another question somewhat related. How do you guys strap the Jerry can. If I go through the footmans loop on the bed it pulls the can into the bed.

    Was the original style riveted to the footman loop. If so, how was the can kept off the bed?

    Right now I'm using a one piece strap and just bypassed the footmans loop for now.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Stevens Pointski, Wisconsin


    I have an original one piece strap, and I loop it thru the footman loop. Otherwise I think the weight of the full gas can would droop the bracket.




    '67 M715 '67 M725 '69 M726 (x2)

    "it's cheap and you get all you can shove in your pie-hole" --Kozmo 12-10-13

  7. #27

    Default Pioneer Tool Strap Method

    I tried it the way u have it, using a similar strap. It's just loose. It can move around and still hit the bed. This was my idea using a tailgate puck. It's just set in there now for the picture but thinking of making it permanent.

    It gives it a nice standoff and makes it very stable.

    Last edited by maskale; April 9th, 2013 at 09:18 PM.

  8. #28


    Not sure why you need the puck. Did you run the strap through both slots in the gas can holder? is your strap cotton or nylon? Mine have all been nice and tight.

  9. #29


    My strap is nylon. I can't imagine needing it either, but nothing keeps the strap from pulling the can toward the bed. I did go through both slots in the holder and the strap is running under the holder not under the tank.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Default What are the unused mounts?

    I don't know what they're called, but I see 3 (in the pics) upside-down mount brackets. One that the shovel handle is resting on top of, one by the wheel well, and one on the back corner/bed post. Can you tell me what those are for?

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