I called Edelbrock and the tech guy said that that carb is fine, but will not support a high-rpm use. I asked what that was and he said over 5K it would start to perform poorly.
Said my jets were fine, and my needles were fine. Said that the problem I'm having is probably from a vacuum leak and I should check that. I had 15 psi of vacuum at I dunno.
He also said that the problem I was having where I'd stomp the gas and it woudl bog down was from the accelorator arm being in the wrong hole. He said it needs to be in the top hole, so that's an easy fix.
I'm gonna install a carb spacer to cool out the gas in the bowls and see if that fixes it. He said that should as if you are running a steel manifold you always want to run an insulator.
I dunno.