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Thread: Spotted m725 & a m37

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Southern Indiana

    Default Spotted m725 & a m37

    Last weekend I was leaving work around 11am in my 715 and at the stoplight right across from me was a sharp 725. Looked like a nice restored one. Tried to wave and catch up with it to talk shop but I don't think the driver saw me he was really talking with his passenger & after waiting at the light and getting stopes at a2nd I lost it. Darn. So I went down yankeytown road not my usuall rout home. I was enjoying the drive and looking to my left was a mill painted & marked m 37 complete w troop seats. What A day. Both were near yankytown IN. I had seen the 37 once b for but never a 725 except in Picts. Anyone know them. Zoners past or pressent??? I still can't believe how excited I got just seeing them like a kid at x-mas. Mv folks near me. Cool

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhoadesville, Virginia (five miles from no place)


    Pretty soon, you will know every MV owner within a 150 mile radius of your home.

    I always get a chuckle when someone stops by my place and starts to tell me about an MV they saw nearby. Usually I know the person who has it, their name, when and where they got it, etc. Just happens over time in this hobby.
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