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Thread: Pertronix upgrade

  1. #61


    Same here .... ran initialially. then barely restarted ... and no wont start at all. Thinking same as you . coil.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fernandina Beach, FL


    If the coil is shiny, as in chrome plated, it is probably made in China. I had the symptom, starts cold, won’t start when warm. A good, USA used coil fixed it. The Sino coil went into the bin...

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Don Cavey View Post
    If the coil is shiny, as in chrome plated, it is probably made in China. I had the symptom, starts cold, won’t start when warm. A good, USA used coil fixed it. The Sino coil went into the bin...
    Yep my replacement is silver shiny. And not helping my issue. I figure it has to be the coil since wont start now whether points or petronix.

    1. Was running
    2. install petronix. Running rough
    3. Install points. No start.
    4. Install Petronix. No start.

    I think next I'll just see if I have any spark at all.

  4. #64


    FYI my problem turned out to be a severed positive wire going to the coil. Guess I'll tape it to the coil to clear the spinning weights next time.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fernandina Beach, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by teking View Post
    FYI my problem turned out to be a severed positive wire going to the coil. Guess I'll tape it to the coil to clear the spinning weights next time.
    Glad you found it and thanks for checking back and sharing the information.

  6. #66


    hi,Good evening guys, I'm reading the thread, and I consult, my wife turned on the m715 and stopped and left the ignition key ON, FOR A LONG TIME, now it starts but fails, which may have been damaged?
    This petronix product is modern for our 24 volt vehicles?
    What coils does this product work with?
    What could have broken me?
    Sorry for my language, but I'm worried about my truck.
    It was working well on 24 volts, until my wife spoiled it.
    I will be very grateful to all your ideas, here in Argentina it is very difficult to get 24 volt parts from the distributor.
    VIN : 13003 DATE : 6-67

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Leaving the ignition energized ruins the coil...
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  8. #68


    Very thanks
    VIN : 13003 DATE : 6-67

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