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Thread: Stock jack and lug wrench pics!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default Stock jack and lug wrench pics!

    For future reference, these are the correct items for the M715...


    Lug wrench:
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  2. #2


    Like an antique railroad jack. I have one or two of them
    Feast or famine,

  3. #3


    according TM 9-2320-244-10 as of August 1968 the jack is a jack, hydraulic, self contd., 3 ton cap etc. supply no 65909-948251, replaces 932115; with handele , jack, tubular 65909-948252 (replaces 932124). Thats the info I have according to my complete set of manuales. So who is correct????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056

    Default Stock Jack and Lug Wrench

    What a coincedence I was going thru some old posts and came across this one about the proper jack and lug wrench. If these photos are depicting the correct stock items, i made a great purchase online. I bought a jack and lug wrench exactly like the one Brute4c shows in his photos, and payed only $7.50for both items. They are in beautiful condition considering their age. The shipping was actually more expensive than the jack and lug wrench combined. I feel very lucky to have come across them and make them part of my M715 project.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin



    What a scre...and for a great price...Merry Christmas!
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    Seems like a small jack to me. I just can't remember ever using one when I was in the Army. The base of the jack seems so small and unstable. It's cool to have in the truck tho. I slid mine in the compartment between the cab and the bed. Along with my jumper cables. Is their a proper place to store the jack?
    Last edited by militarypotts; January 26th, 2011 at 05:05 PM.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    I've actually now mounted it to the top of the passenger side wheel well under the hood. May not be the correct place. but it makes a nice display when the hood is raised. Jack handle is strapped in next to it. Looks like it belongs there.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Middleville, mi.


    You've got to learn to post pictures potts. I'd like to see what it looks like.

  9. #9


    huuuaaaauuu, where do I get one for my M715?
    VIN : 13003 DATE : 6-67

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    Quote Originally Posted by jeeper View Post
    You've got to learn to post pictures potts. I'd like to see what it looks like.
    You know Jeeper, you are absolutely correct. I promise to work on it. My daughter has showed me, but I keep forgetting how. Once I figure it out, you guys will be begging me to stop posting pics! I'll make it a New Years resolution.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

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