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Thread: squatch : new old truck??

  1. #1

    Default squatch : new old truck??

    new old truck??
    Post by squatch on Nov 21, 2006, 9:48pm

    newbies 1st post! lot's of questions. I'm looking at an m715 locally no major rust. bbc 396 fresh rebuild novak adapter instal, custom wheels(steel 16.5) 38" swampers,12 volt, power steering. Otherwise stock. I like it. Heres the deal. I'm looking for a truck to tow my 17' alum bass boat and haul firewood, and other basic chores. Is this realistic with gearing change(4.56?), radial swampers, turn signals, comfy seats, rollcage, heater defrost(no heater now), some sound deadening, and disc brake conversion. Will it drive ok at 70 mph on east coast highways(dummys in traffic!!). I haven't driven it yet! I also have '80 Dodge pw stepside"like lil red express". 383b, np435,208, d60 disc fr, d70 rr, 35"mt's. It has rust issues but drives like a dream. I'm not a body man and think m715 would be less work. ie:all mechanical. Pw could be parts doner.Tthanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Default tacomainoh :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by tacomainoh on Nov 21, 2006, 11:33pm

    The gearing is still not really high enough, unless you like revving yer engine. I'd choose something else...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by brute4c on Nov 22, 2006, 10:11am

    With tires that are a true 38 inches tall and 4.56 axle gears, not counting any overdrive gearboxes, you would be turning 2420 RPM at 60 and 2820 RPM at 70 on the highway...if that helps...any tire taller than 38 inches and you need some lift...

  4. #4

    Default tacomainoh :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by tacomainoh on Nov 22, 2006, 10:30am

    Radial Swampers are still really squirmy and aren't that good in a braking situation in the rain either....

  5. #5

    Default elwenil :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by elwenil on Nov 22, 2006, 10:53am

    Not to mention the rarity and cost of a gear swap and there is no real solution for a disc brake conversion since it seems to cost more then the trucks themselves. The transfer case would have to be swapped out also for a lot of highway driving. A 715 is a good truck to have as a toy or a resto project but not a general work truck without a lot of mods. Michelin XLs or XZLs would be a better tire choice than anything from Interco.

    I'd go with the Dodge. Better axles, better engine, and better parts availability. I'd toss the 208 in favor of a 205 though.

  6. #6

    Default tacomainoh :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by tacomainoh on Nov 22, 2006, 11:09am

    Stepside=sh*tty tow rig.

    XL's don't bring the stick to the rock MOOAHAHAH

    208 has a better low, I'd keep it.

  7. #7

    Default teking :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by teking on Nov 22, 2006, 11:15am

    the Dodge. Better axles, better engine, and better parts availability. I'd toss the 208 in favor of a 205 though.

    Here's a friggin work horse Dodge baby! My Dodge hates me.

  8. #8

    Default elwenil :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by elwenil on Nov 22, 2006, 11:20am

    Stepside=sh*tty tow rig.

    XL's don't bring the stick to the rock MOOAHAHAH

    208 has a better low, I'd keep it.

    Ok, Tac. You are probably just messing with me, but I'm curious as to why a step side isn't desirable for towing? It's not any worse than any other shortbed truck. Granted I do prefer a longbed for towing but he's only towing a boat.

    And yeah, XLs are hard as a rock themselves, lol.

  9. #9

    Default tacomainoh :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by tacomainoh on Nov 22, 2006, 11:53am

    You answered your own question! I would never tow with a shortbed.

  10. #10

    Default squatch :

    Re: new old truck??
    Post by squatch on Nov 22, 2006, 6:55pm

    Thanks folks. Looks like I started some fun. M715 i thought the offset tc might be noisy at best. As for the stepaside. it has 4" skyjacker soft ride all steering correction stuff and factory swaybars with drop brackets. it spins about 2600rpm @ 60 with 35x12:50s. the 208 is a dodge version not chevy no slip yoke. it's in driveshaft where it belongs. 208 has over 300k never been opened and i have a spare. It tows the boat fine(only about 2000lbs. maybe i'll do both. l

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