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Thread: bigjake6 : need help with 'flipping radiator core supports'

  1. #1

    Default bigjake6 : need help with 'flipping radiator core supports'

    need help with 'flipping radiator core supports'
    Post by bigjake6 on Nov 15, 2006, 5:47am

    im in the process of swapping in a 28" aluminum radiator from summit in to my 68 m715. ive searched and searched and have come across posts that mention 'flipping the radiator core supports' to allow the after market radiator to fit, but i cannot find a detailed write up/discussion on this. can anyone describe this modification, post pics, or direct me to a link?


  2. #2

    Default sermis :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by sermis on Nov 15, 2006, 9:36am

    Look at the passenger side support. At the bottom there are 2 support holes. Cut the support out and shorten the side so it will mount with the unused support hole. Weld it back in.

  3. #3

    Default bigjake6 :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by bigjake6 on Nov 15, 2006, 10:34am

    thanks sermis, this mod looks very "do-able", but im guessing the stock fan shroud will not work with this modification. are those who have done this mod using an aftermarket fan shroud, or does the summit 28" alum radiator cool effectively without a shroud? im running the stock tornado motor.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Washington State

    Default fisherman :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by fisherman on Nov 15, 2006, 12:17pm

    It would probably cool just fine without the fan shroud. What I've seen of these trucks, quite a few are missing the fan shroud, and are still being driven. I will be looking for a J truck fan shroud when the time comes to put my front end back on, or I will fab one up. Good Luck

  5. #5

    Default sermis :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by sermis on Nov 15, 2006, 1:30pm

    Barman is running a big block w/o a shroud and he said it stays cool. I need to replace my stock radiator. Hot summer days it gets 220-230 with the 350. Never boiled over. Now I think I am having starter problems. Exhaust way too close to the starter.
    I was going to either have a sheet metal shop build me a shroud or laminate a fiberglass one myself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Giddings, Texas

    Default barrman :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by barrman on Nov 17, 2006, 4:18pm

    I drove my truck with the stock radiator into my shop at 2100 a year or so ago. I removed the stock radiator, cut out the passenger side core support, moved it over to the unused bolt hole, made it fit, welded it back in and installed the big Summit Aluminum radiator by 2230. It took me another hour to figure out which electric or belt driven fan to go with and another 30 to install the 1960 Impalla fan without a shroud.

    Pulling Pistolnut's M715 on my trailer to the Texas FE and back in 90+ degree temps. I stayed between 185-195 on the temp gauge. I do not have a fan clutch but am thinking about one. Last weekend I drove to Sermis' and back and never had it get above 180 the entire trip. It was in the 60's out side though.

  7. #7

    Default firefightinsam :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by firefightinsam on Nov 17, 2006, 5:51pm

    I did this mod on my 68 I have no shroud and am running a chevy 305 with no heat problems in PRK (Southern, California)

  8. #8

    Default bigjake6 :

    Re: need help with 'flipping radiator core support
    Post by bigjake6 on Nov 17, 2006, 9:29pm

    hey everyone, just wanted to thank you for the great info.

    i cut out the passenger side radiator suport and welded it into position using the second bolt hole.........over all it was a pretty easy mod. my only 'word of wisdom' is that the 28" summit aluminum radiator needed to be mounted against the drivers side radiator core support..........not centered between the two order to allow the hood to close without coming into contact with the radiator cap.

    I have some scrap aluminum angle and plan to weld it to the radiator and then bolt it to the core this similar to what others have done?

    my only concern is that the radiator sits on the cross supports of the frame in order to allow the hood to close........and as the frame flexes, the radiator needs to move as well..........but i dont know how to make this happen..........any help is appreciated.

    thanks again to all............

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