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Thread: porkchop : Throttle linkage?

  1. #1

    Default porkchop : Throttle linkage?

    Throttle linkage?
    Post by porkchop on Sept 21, 2006, 4:50pm

    Ok now that the motor is in and running I need to figure out a way to hook up the throttle cable. Because of the way the carb has to sit on the intake with the primaries towards the outside. If the cable was about an 2 inches shorter I would have no problems. Is there a way to shorten it or does anyone know a cable that may be a little shorter? Any and all suggestions are welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Atlanta, Ga.

    Default bluesman2a :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by bluesman2a on Sept 21, 2006, 5:44pm


    There are two things you can use, I have them set-up on mine, they are commonly available at autozone and other autoparts stores:


    Throttle cable (cut to length):

    Bling cable:

    Lokar makes a nicer version of the cable too, better machining.

    Another option if you have FSJ's handy in a yard, you can snag the pedal and cable assembly.

    If you want, I can snag some pics of my setup...

    Another thing I have been looking at is a little more stable bracket and here are a couple I've been considering:

    This is what I think I will ultimately wind up with:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Atlanta, Ga.

    Default bluesman2a :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by bluesman2a on Sept 21, 2006, 5:49pm

    another thought... since that's a square-bore, can't you turn it 90* so the linkage is on the driver's side? Might make for easier geometry on the linkage/cable if it's possible...

  4. #4

    Default porkchop :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by porkchop on Sept 21, 2006, 7:55pm

    Thanks for all the links. I will look into finding some of the cut to length cable. That may solve my problem. As for turning the carb, that is not possible since the primaries have to be on the outside for the performance factor. I was told this on and

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Giddings, Texas

    Default barrman :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by barrman on Sept 22, 2006, 4:39pm

    Are you trying to get it to the FE in two weeks? If not, I have a cable out of a '78 C10 that is probably just enough shorter for your needs I can bring with me. Matter of fact, if I can find it, I will bring it no matter what.

  6. #6

    Default porkchop :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by porkchop on Sept 22, 2006, 6:40pm

    There is no way I will make it to the FE. I still need to get the jackshaft figured out. I need to get it ready for the Marine Corps Ball in November and the Toys for Tots drive. So please bring it with you I am sure I can use it.

  7. #7

    Default hummer103 :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by hummer103 on Sept 24, 2006, 11:23pm

    Does anybody have a picture of the stock Gas Peddle linkages? I took mine apart a few years ago and had to weld up some stuff to get it to work and it doesn't work too well. It binds and has other issues. For the throttle cable mount on the engine I got my buddy to make me something up at work where he can punch out 1/2 inch squares and other cool things. That end of the cable works great just trying to get my skinny peddle to work better.

  8. #8

    Default porkchop :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by porkchop on Sept 25, 2006, 6:35am

  9. #9

    Default tacomainoh :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by tacomainoh on Sept 25, 2006, 2:49pm

    hey Porky, I was going to suggest putting a loop in the cable..... You may need to get a slightly LONGER cable to do so. Chevy did that to get around the cruise diaphragm on this big block.

    or use the bracket. *shrug*

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Fort Smith, Arkansas

    Default wrecker :

    Re: Throttle linkage?
    Post by wrecker on Sept 25, 2006, 3:10pm

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you have the carb mounted 90 degrees off from what a v-8 would be with the throttle lever closest to the firewall meaning the cable has to fit between the carb and the head? And this is for better performance out of the inline six due to having the primaries an equal distance between all the cylinders? IF that is the case, it seems the same theory would work with the carb mounted 180 degrees from where it currently is and the longer cable could simply be between the carb and the fenderwell. Just a random thought and maybe way off base... Bill

    Looking at the pics now, that might mean you'd need an even longer cable so really either way, you're not gonna get it with what you have I guess.

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