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Thread: teking : Stenciled!!!

  1. #11

    Default teking :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by teking on Nov 12, 2006, 2:53pm

    Thanks guys!!

    What color and paint code # is that? I hope to use it on mine. 24087?

    Yep 24087 over Red Oxide (Army Jeep Parts - Gillespe)

    Do you have the chain piece for the winch? I need to get one of them.

    Nope .. thinking about choking down on the $95.00 at VPW, but even then there will be hella shipping.

    What unit markings are you thinking of using?

    I have no idea!!!! Thats why you don't see them. I was in the Air Force so I have NO IDEA what the unit marking could/should be. Suggestions are MORE than welcome.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.

    Default binfordm715 :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by binfordm715 on Nov 12, 2006, 7:09pm

    My "unit number" on the bumpers will be "A/67" on the left and "M715" on the right.

    As one who did stencils to paint on the numbers instead of vinyl labels, let me confess that were I to do it all over again, I'd get the labels. However, I still like the broken letter look of the stencils, so I'd get it that way. Beast (almost typed "Breast" there!) sent me broken letter labels for the "NO SMOKING" in the cab and it looks just the same as all the PITA painting lettering I did! Just so's ya know.....

  3. #13

    Default k8icu :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by k8icu on Nov 12, 2006, 9:56pm

    Well here are some more standard units that you see out there in the collector world.

    101AB HQ (left side when looking at truck) C-23 (right side of truck you can make your own company up A-g usually and the number is just the order of road march so it could be 1-50 or more)

    82AB 3BN A-2
    1A 53P 541-2 (this would be 1st Army 53 MP Battalion 541st MP Company.... I've made the battalion and company numbers up)

    You get the idea. May I suggest that if you had any family members who served in the Army in Veitnam that you find out what units they were with and honor them with the bumper markings.

    Here is what my oldest brother's markings were :
    101AB 1/107ADA HQ-4

    Anyway a little research and you'll find the markings that will work for you.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.

    Default binfordm715 :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by binfordm715 on Nov 12, 2006, 11:10pm

    Any such markings for the Marines? Near as I can figure, the USMC didn't have anything on their bumpers, eh?

  5. #15

    Default rumplecat :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by rumplecat on Nov 13, 2006, 7:17am


  6. #16

    Default porkchop :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by porkchop on Nov 13, 2006, 9:14am

    Nice looking truck!

    Any such markings for the Marines? Near as I can figure, the USMC didn't have anything on their bumpers, eh?

    Tim, like I have said in the past, on the bumpers of the trucks it has the same numbers as on the hood on the drivers side and then on the passenger side it says USMC. My truck has all the correct numbers and markings. The Marines stopped using unit identifiers on any of our equipment (except a/c) after WWII. There was a brief time when a few units would put stuff on their trucks during the first gulf war, but it is not the norm.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI

    Default beast :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by beast on Nov 13, 2006, 9:41am

    Fine looking stencil job you've done. Your truck is super clean and looks awesome.

  8. #18

    Default k8icu :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by k8icu on Nov 13, 2006, 10:40pm

    Does any one remember the post on how to determine which unit your stencils actually referred to?

    For Army bumper markings it is rather simple. As you look at the truck from the front or the rear your left hand side (that would be passingers side on the front and drivers side on the rear) will have the two markings. The first will be the highest HQ. Like 101AB 82AB 5th Corps etc., Then next marking will be the intermeadiate command. Like 26 Engineer Battalion, 5th MP Brigade, 112th Enginers, 134 Field Arty etc. Generally the Battalion HQ.

    Now on the right had side (driverside facing the front and passinger side facing the rear) will be the unit. Gereally this is the company.

    A, B, C, D etc. Most companies in the army are alphabetical. Though some like MP units are numarical. And some are like S&S (service and support). Then a dash - and a number. The number is the spot in the convoy that the vehicle takes. So a -24 would be the 24th vehicle in the convoy.

    So lets review....

    A army bumper marking of 101AB 107FA A-4
    This is a truck that belongs to the 101 Air Born Division 107 Field Artillary Battalion Alpha Battery vehicle #4.

    When I was commander of the 53rd MP battalion I marked my M151 as 5th BDE 53P HQ-1

    I hope this helps you all with the rather confusing Army marking system. USMC doesn't do it this way because as best as I can tell they are all one big unit the

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    St. Louis, Mo.

    Default vrod02 :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by vrod02 on Nov 13, 2006, 10:53pm

    Very nice.Hijack! Whats on the passenger side bed where the J. can goes? Looks like a Huge round.I'm new.

  10. #20

    Default kwai :

    Re: Stenciled!!!
    Post by kwai on Nov 14, 2006, 12:03am

    Not sure what you are looking at. The passenger side bed doesn't usually have a jerry can or anything else. Some trucks will have the jerry can mount towards the bottom or maybe an antenna mount near the bed rail. Teking has an antenna base mounted at that location.

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