Rainy Day Leak Report
Post by binfordm715 on Nov 6, 2006, 7:32pm
I installed a new gasket that gets sandwiched between the windshield frame and the cowl. It's one of those new ones that Memphis, I think, sells. Several members have said theirs leaks.
Well, it's been raining quite a bit here lately and I took the truck on a nice 45-minute drive in a steady light/medium rain this afternoon and there were three places some water leaked. They were the two windshield wiper shafts (I'd installed new grommets too), and the seam in the windshield gasket located bottom center. The latter was my worst leak, and even that was minor.
Cab sure fogs up though! No heater in it, yet. I'm going to have to be sure I do the defrosters too.
But the windshield-to-cowl gasket did not seem to leak one bit. Both the bottom of the windshield frame and the top of the cowl had been sanded and painted before the gasket was installed, so perhaps that has something to do with my happy results? Dunno....