Back...spring bushing O.D.
Post by m715jeep25 on Nov 5, 2006, 10:16pm
Hello all. I'm back after several years of just checking in every 6 months on the zone. My ride is posted in the members section under Roger M715 on Rockwells w/ 500 Cadillac engine.
Any ways I've started working on the truck again. Finally got back into a place where I could work on it and spend a little extra money.
Question: What is the inside diamter of the rear leaf springs (front & rear mounting locations of the rear spring)? Or I'll ask the same question in a different way...what is the O.D. of the spring bushing?
I'm adding rear steering and need to mount the springs under the chasis and change out the spring bushings so I can use a 9/16" bolt.