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Thread: m715jeep25 : Back...spring bushing O.D.

  1. #1

    Default m715jeep25 : Back...spring bushing O.D.

    Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by m715jeep25 on Nov 5, 2006, 10:16pm

    Hello all. I'm back after several years of just checking in every 6 months on the zone. My ride is posted in the members section under Roger M715 on Rockwells w/ 500 Cadillac engine.

    Any ways I've started working on the truck again. Finally got back into a place where I could work on it and spend a little extra money.

    Question: What is the inside diamter of the rear leaf springs (front & rear mounting locations of the rear spring)? Or I'll ask the same question in a different way...what is the O.D. of the spring bushing?

    I'm adding rear steering and need to mount the springs under the chasis and change out the spring bushings so I can use a 9/16" bolt.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by brute4c on Nov 6, 2006, 10:35am

    Hi Roger!!!! Great to hear from you!!

    If no one else gets this info posted, I have a set of NOS springs at home and will measure then...

  3. #3

    Default m715jeep25 :

    Re: Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by m715jeep25 on Nov 6, 2006, 12:57pm

    That would be great! I wanted to get the parts on order so I can tear things down and start on it this weekend. While you're looking at the springs could you check if the front and rear bushings of the "rear" leaf springs are the the same O.D. and if you have a NOS front spring pack I'll take those bushing O.D.'s as well....I might as well change them all while I'm at it.

    Brute4c I think we met at one of the FE in Manhatton in 98-00. Time flies...and it all runs together.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by brute4c on Nov 6, 2006, 1:08pm

    We sure did hs been a 9 year old daughter turned 4 while we were there....the National we had at Tutte Creek in 2001...great wheelin!

    I'll get those measures for sweat!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by brute4c on Nov 6, 2006, 10:17pm

    OK...the front is different than the rear on the rear spring...

    The bushing is "made" into the leaf...when I bought these, the metal sleeve is already in them...

    I also have a spare frame and I checked the numbers versus the mounts on the frame...

    Front eye of rear spring:

    Bushing Id: .875 inch
    Mount on frame OD: .875 inch
    Width: 2.5 inch
    Outside of bushing/inside of leaf spring eye: 1.090 inch

    Front eye of rear spring:

    Bushing Id: 1.000 inch
    Mount on frame OD: 1.000 inch
    Width: 2.5 inch
    Outside of bushing/inside of leaf spring eye: 1.225 inch

    The OD of the bushing/ID of the spring eye is as close as I can get with it in might be off slightly but I took great care to make sure I was at the edge and straight and measured several times...its gotta be pretty close...

    One would have to press these pieces out and measure them to do better...

  6. #6

    Default m715jeep25 :

    Re: Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by m715jeep25 on Nov 7, 2006, 9:07am

    This information was a great help! Thanks for taking time out of your day to help. It saved me lots of valuable fab time.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: Back...spring bushing O.D.
    Post by brute4c on Nov 7, 2006, 12:06pm

    Best wishes on the project Roger, anytime I can are always welcome ya know!!!!

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