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Thread: H.E.I. distributor from chevy to 230 6cyl

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    Can't remember where I saw the new electronic guts that fit in the 230 ignitor. It seemed rather simple and neatly done. Cutting a few wires, and reconnecting them was the main issue. Most of it seemed to be a new electronic board that fits right in. Please correct me if I'm dreaming.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  2. #22


    I think your talking about a petronix kit.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    That must be it. Is their a big advantage to this? I haven't any trouble with starting or idle at all. Thought about changing it out, but why fix something that isn't broke.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  4. #24


    Does away with points and condenser. I have their kit on my ford 300 as it's one less thing to mess with ( it was about 50-60$ on sale which was cheaper than a new distributor setup). Supposed to provide more efficient spark.

  5. #25


    Here is their website:

    If you look in the catalog, you can find more information. Mine has a civilian distributor and they make a 12v kit for it. According to their literature, they can adapt to almost any distributor. There is a 24v kit for the military stock distributor, but I'm not sure yet about a 24v kit for my civilian distributor.

    Quadratec in PA can sell you the kit for a good price, but you have to get Tech Support from Pertronix.

    Hope this helps,
    Mike Cougler, MSgt, USAF Retired, '72-93 [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
    '67 M725, VIN 10030, Delivery: 7/67
    Rochester, NY

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    While 5 mpg sounds terrible, my stock 230ci Tornado gets 6 at best on a good day. Gear ratio, 6,000lbs, and the areodynamics of a barn door don't help. I believe the pertronics electronic ignition will definitely help your starting, and your running, not much in the way of fuel economy tho.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    southern new hampshire


    i have a petronix ignition, does absolutely wonderful, starting, running, and driving. i had lack of power and poor gas mileage when i first got my truck. and my truck had it when i got it, come to find out, had nothing to do with the ignition, i had to spark plugs that would not fire no matter what you did, so i replaced them and alls good now. i would check condition of them. as for gas mileage with 2 dead holes i was getting around 4.5 mpg, firing on all cylinders and running as well as it is ever going to i am getting 5.5 to 6. so your gas mileage is not all that far off from what it should be. and as Don Carvey always told me," your truck should have no problem keeping up with everyday traffic", and darn it he was right!!! check out my thread, "am i expecting to much" hope it helps and good luck

  8. #28


    I am looking at upgrading my ignition. Would this HEI conversion be better than the pertronix kit?

  9. #29


    Seems like a Dodge distributor would make a better fit

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    southern new hampshire


    my opinion is petronics ignition, simple install, i haven't one issue with it. my truck doesn't turn over a full revalution before it running.
    68 m715, 89yj, 83 cj, 02 tj

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