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Thread: H.E.I. distributor from chevy to 230 6cyl

  1. #11

    Default Nick's post

    The pics are not in order, but you get the idea. First determine were the HEI shaft needs to be cut to mate up with the joint on the original distributor. The length is important, you don't want it too long it will bind, and too short it may pop out or wear on the end of the shaft. Cut the HEI and drill a hole for the roll pin and put it back together. Unfortunatly the pickup coil was shot when I got it back together(had lent it to a friend to try few years ago), and due to 3rd cutting of hay and a lot of grain to haul I bought an HEI that was advertised on the site, my father wanted it out of the shop, anyway. Otherwise the fuel/vacum pump most be removed, and you cann't use the original timing. It starts right up and idles great, I have a 2 barrel on it and I have no complaints.

    I hope this helps.

    Last edited by brute4c; October 4th, 2009 at 08:16 PM. Reason: changed image link to show 4th image instead of 3rd image twice

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    central central wisconsin


    In my Jeep CJ7 I have the original 258 straight six and I used a GM 250 straight six HEI in it. The only mod that has to be done is use a distributor gear from a 360 AMC V8 since the gear on the chevy is reverse cut.

    If you look for a 1977-1978 truck with the six in it, you may find that the distributor cap does not have the coil on it. This may be better or worse, depending on if you want a separate coil. These are still HEI. I have not seen any of these, but they are out there.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    For a 258...or a 232 I would assume...that may be true...the 230 is different...just so no one confuese your tech with something for the 230...the 230 has a flat blade screwdriver type tip instead of a gear...
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  4. #14

    Default Thanks Everyone for the help !!!!

    Thanks everyone for all the help you guys are great for taking the time to answer my questions and to send the photos !!!!!!!!!!

  5. #15


    5 mpg? are you sure your fuel pump is not leaking into the crackcase? i second the other member go with the pertronix ignitor it replaces the points and condenser and fits under the stock cap, easy starting and no hesitation through the power range and does not require new plug wires. I have one on my M37 and it starts no matter what the weather is cold, hot, dry, wet even if the truck is hot or stone cold she fires right off every time I believe it was a part # MV161 or 151 I can't remember but it's easy to find.

  6. #16


    no there is know gas in the oil i can not find any leaks any where . where can i get the pertronics sey up this sounds like a good ideal and about how much is it

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    I dont see the xact one needed on the pertronix website...the civvy distributor is a Prestolite IAT4416 and the military one is a Prestolite IAT4411 4AT.

    I am unsure if the civvy unit fits the mil housing...but I know the converson has been done on the civvy types...

    Price looks to be around $200...little less maybe..

    Heres a thread with a little more info:
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  8. #18

    Default hei

    hey randall- i have at home what you need- it is a dui [ davis unified ignition ] distributor for your 230. i came with the 715 i have. it has standard hei components in it. im i afghanistan now but i think i know where it is & maybe my wife could find it & send it. how bout $50 + ship if your interested. later!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Madison Heights, MI, just outside Detroit


    I bought a 67 M725 in 2008, previous owner had installed a HEI distributor.... didn't really do a great job about it. It's functional. Oh yeah, my M725 gets 6.3 miles to a gallon with no leaks.... and a strong tail wind!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056


    I've never heard anyone really talk about fuel mileage on a stock 230 tornado. My truck is pretty close to being stock, exception being the 1100x16 Michelins. When i checked gas mileage last summer it was 5 and 1/2 mpg! Alittle disappointing, but I wasn't expecting a whole lot more than that. I've since changed out the plugs and wires and went to about 6 mpg. A 6k truck with tall gears and the aerodynamics of a barn door just isn't going to do much better. When fuel got low in the Army, we just drove them to the nearest fuel truck and filled them up. I'd love to do better, but I do not use mine as a daily driver, so it's not to much of a concern for me. With the price of gas going up daily it will be alittle more disappointing, but I figure it's a small price to pay to own a piece of military history.
    militarypotts Spec/4 Military Police, Vietnam Era, "Does the noise in my head bother you? Welcome to the Twilight Zone!"

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