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Thread: H.E.I. distributor from chevy to 230 6cyl

  1. #1

    Default H.E.I. distributor from chevy to 230 6cyl

    will the hei distributor from a 1985 to 1989 chevy 305 / 350 cu work in the 230 6cyl ? and if it will work what has to be done to make it work also is this worth the effort ? and what improvements will i see by doing this change ? i know this question has been on here before but i forgot what the article said .
    one resown why i am thinking of changing my distributor is , hard starting , engine just doesnt sound like its running right , vaccum advance and it is useing alot of gas . it is not leaking any where , checked carb and the truck is getting about 5 miles per gallon , yes 5 ( five ) miles per gallon is what i said and its not leaking gave it a tune up and it still seems like its running flat no pep and the speedo says 17 890 miles on the truck . any ideals out thier . also what is the best repair manual out their and who has the best price for it , for m 715 jeep truck ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    I know it has been done by mating the top of the ei unit to the stock distributor shaft...I heard about it from a member back in the 90's and got this pic...sorry I dont have more:
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  3. #3


    Not sure how your going to get a v8 distributor to work with a 6. May work. Just doesn't seem worth it. M-Series rebuilders advertise a Hei kit to change the points setup out for a Electronic setup. I believe he has it listed for $150 plus shipping. Are you sure your timing is right? Check here for the manuals

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    I should have do need a 6 cylinder hei unit to do the swap...
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhoadesville, Virginia (five miles from no place)


    Quote Originally Posted by brute4c View Post
    I should have do need a 6 cylinder hei unit to do the swap...
    Yep, you'd need one from a 6 cylinder like a V-6 buick, or an inline Chevy 250 or 292 L6.

    Is your truck still 24 volts though? If so, you'd have to use a 24-12V converter.
    "Free advice is worth what you pay for it."™

  6. #6


    Get back to basics - with 7.5:1 compression it should start right up. Why isn't it?
    Going with the Pertronics ingition is a great thing, but the motor should be running right first. And 5mpg? While the M715 is never going to qualify as a "Green" vehicle (camo joke) you should definately be doing better than that. Heck, my 514ci Ford does better than that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    SE South Dakota


    I have pics of how to adapt a 6 cyl GM HEI to a 230. I don't know how to post, but could email them.

  8. #8


    e-mail them if you want. To me and I will post them. that way it is for us all. If you wouldn't mind.

  9. #9


    put a underscore between cliff and morriss

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Send them to me and I will post them for you!! Would love to see this!
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

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