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Thread: Frame rail serial number stamping locations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.

    Post Frame rail serial number stamping locations

    The question often arises here about where exactly the serial numbers are stamped onto the frame rails. Well, I got to looking at what's left of Mike's parts rig out here at my place and realized we never recorded its serial number for the VIN collection. So I wire-wheeled both locations and took pictures so others might have a better idea of what to look for.

    Here's where the serial numbers can be found stamped onto the M715 frame:

    Here is what the front one looks like:

    And here is what the rear one looks like:

    Not only is the front stamping usually easier to make out, it is also the easier of the two to get an eyeball on! I had to wire-wheel the rear one a LOT and can still barely make it out.

    So brute4c, here's another we can add to the registry: 21852. W/O winch. No delivery date available, but likely 3/68. Current status: Mostly stripped-away parts rig.

    A moment of silence, please....
    Last edited by Binford; February 26th, 2009 at 06:26 PM.
    -- Tim Taylor

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    This is a sticky now...thanks TIM!!

    Here is another shot of the rear one from a different truck, note not a stock axle so dont use that exactly as a guide, use the frame rail bend instead:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    Yeah, I tried showing the round crossmember and the rivets in the picture of the rear one I took to help with location of the stamping.
    -- Tim Taylor

  4. #4

    Default Great

    I've made several posts about this in the past and never could find mine. Today I wire wheeled the frame reinforcement at the front and walla; there it is! I was looking on the frame, not the welded reinforcement. I did not check the rear as I assume it is gone from there due to rust that was blasted off and pitting.

    I was concerned my serial numbers did not match, due to a reported problem with the seller of my truck, but they do match so I am relieved.
    SFC, HQ,129th Sig Co, PAARNG, Vietnam Era

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    Glad this was able to help then! Cool!
    -- Tim Taylor

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Springdale, Arkansas


    Hey Tim, Ditto. Just took my frame to the blaster's and just before I did I used a wire brush and found mine too. Never thought to look on the reinforcement. DUH....

  7. #7


    found my rear one the other day. very well stamped and clear as a bell. even matches the front frame stamping...
    67 #18820 mostly stock...

  8. #8


    i checked both places as shown in the above must have been getting close to 5 o'clock and they forgot to stamp mine j/k. are there anymore places to look. i have 3 tags on the dash but none of them have any model or serial #'s just part #'s i would really like to find them because i am going to use it to tow my s-10 truggy back and forth to our orv park. i am also going to install a wrecker boom and winch on the back to do some offroad recovery. so i really need a VIN #. i have know idea who registered it to the DMV last or if its been registered at all.anyone know how to find that out. does anyones m-715 have bullet holes?my tailgate has got a few.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Do you have a title for it? I guess not....

    Without a vin, I dont know how you can search the DMV for a history....

    Those are the only places I have ever heard of for the vin to be stamped...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Central MA


    If you can't find one, see if your state will issue you a new one. In MA, for homemade vehicles, or vehicles older than a certain year or whose VIN doesn't match the requirements of the registry of motor vehicles in MA, they make you apply for a new VIN and someone comes out to inspect it to be sure it is what you say it is and do their best to verify it's not stolen. Then they issue you a new VIN number and you have to get new permanent VIN plates made and attached (they give you two little stick-on printed VIN stickers that won't last...)

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