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Thread: stock rear diff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Avondale, PA

    Default stock rear diff

    Is the rear diff, a D-70, an open rear or are we lucky enough to have a factory locker? If it is open, who makes a locker for it and how much? I'm no where near my truck and was just thinking about that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Both the front and rear axles are open on these trucks in stock form.

  3. #3


    I know Detroit makes lockers for both front and back, or they did about 4 years ago when I put mine in. I would call Randys R&P for current pricing.

    Detroits sure make it easy to be easy on the rig when 4wheeling. Which is a good idea on a 40+ old truck.


  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by kevin View Post
    I know Detroit makes lockers for both front and back, or they did about 4 years ago when I put mine in. I would call Randys R&P for current pricing.

    Detroits sure make it easy to be easy on the rig when 4wheeling. Which is a good idea on a 40+ old truck.

    Especially when the suspension flexes and articulates so well.

  5. #5


    Glenn your right I have a couple pics of the front right and back rear tires off the ground going over some 6" tire ruts. It is funny in a way


  6. #6


    I got a Detroit for the rear D70 from Randys R&P not too long ago. If I recall it was something like $416.
    68 M-715
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhoadesville, Virginia (five miles from no place)


    I need to pick one up too.....Every time I pick up one rear wheel on a berm I am reminded of just how nice both rear wheels pulling is.....
    "Free advice is worth what you pay for it."™

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Paron, Arkansas

    Default 5quarter, are ya welding?

    Seems like a while back, 5quarter was going to weld-up a rear diff. When the time comes, I was thinking of that for my short project. For mostly dirt work, why not? I knew a guy with a big-honking F250, welded-up that worked fine on pavement.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhoadesville, Virginia (five miles from no place)


    Quote Originally Posted by white433 View Post
    I knew a guy with a big-honking F250, welded-up that worked fine on pavement.
    'Til it snows or gets really wet and slick...then its slip-city around a turn at any speed......
    "Free advice is worth what you pay for it."™

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Avondale, PA


    Does anyone know if like ARB makes an air locker for the front? I'm not to sure if it really matters at a creeping speed, but having a full-time locker in the front greatly effects your steering radius. Doesn't it? I mean I'm not going to be out there running the Baha 500 or doing any high speed manuvers in this thing obviously but to be able to wheel in tighter trails is nice. I know that my options are limited to what small trails that I can acctually fit my truck down, but I also have the mentallity that if it's in my way that I will either go through it or around it! And with a truck of this size I'm sure that there won't be much that can stop me. And how much are we acctually getting by taking a couple springs out, does it free that much articulation up? Or is it one of those things that can only be helped by a complete redesign? My favorite wheeling spot is in an old strip mine and it has a lot of ups and downs, it won't be that fun if I'm out of my truck winching it out all the time. That kind of takes the fun out of the whole thing.

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